FullCalendarWidget.php 6.37 KB
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 * @author Semenov Alexander <semenov@skeeks.com>
 * @link http://skeeks.com/
 * @copyright 2010 SkeekS (СкикС)
 * @date 02.04.2015
namespace skeeks\widget\fullcalendar;

use Yii;
use yii\base\Model;
use yii\web\View;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\helpers\Json;
use yii\web\JsExpression;
use yii\base\Widget;

 * Class FullCalendarWidget
 * @package skeeks\widget\fullcalendar
class FullCalendarWidget extends Widget
    * @var array options the HTML attributes (name-value pairs) for the field container tag.
    * The values will be HTML-encoded using [[Html::encode()]].
    * If a value is null, the corresponding attribute will not be rendered.
    public $options = [
        'class' => 'fullcalendar',

     * @var array clientOptions the HTML attributes for the widget container tag.
    public $clientOptions = [
        'weekends' => true,
        'default' => 'month',
        'editable' => false,

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    public $clientOptionsJs = "{}";

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    * Holds an array of Event Objects
    * @var array events of yii2fullcalendar\models\Event
    * @todo add the event class and write docs
    public $events = [];

     * Define the look n feel for the calendar header, known placeholders are left, center, right
     * @var array header format
    public $header = [
        'left'=>'prev,next today',

     * Will hold an url to json formatted events!
     * @var url to json service
    public $ajaxEvents = NULL;

     * wheather the events will be "sticky" on pagination or not
     * @var boolean
    public $stickyEvents = true;

     * tell the calendar, if you like to render google calendar events within the view
     * @var boolean
    public $googleCalendar = false;

     * the text that will be displayed on changing the pages
     * @var string
    public $loading = 'Loading ...';

     * internal marker for the name of the plugin
     * @var string
    private $_pluginName = 'fullCalendar';

     * The javascript function to us as en eventRender callback
     * @var string the javascript code that implements the eventRender function
    public $eventRender = "";

     * The javascript function to us as en eventAfterRender callback
     * @var string the javascript code that implements the eventAfterRender function
    public $eventAfterRender = "";

     * The javascript function to us as en eventAfterAllRender callback
     * @var string the javascript code that implements the eventAfterAllRender function
    public $eventAfterAllRender = "";

     * Initializes the widget.
     * If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
    public function init()
        //checks for the element id
        if (!isset($this->options['id'])) {
            $this->options['id'] = $this->getId();
         //checks for the element id
        if (!isset($this->options['class'])) {
            $this->options['class'] = 'fullcalendar';


     * Renders the widget.
    public function run()
        $this->options['data-plugin-name'] = $this->_pluginName;

        if (!isset($this->options['class'])) {
            $this->options['class'] = 'fullcalendar';

        echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->options) . "\n";
            echo Html::beginTag('div',['class'=>'fc-loading','style' => 'display:none;']);
                echo Html::encode($this->loading);
            echo Html::endTag('div')."\n";
        echo Html::endTag('div')."\n";

    * Registers the FullCalendar javascript assets and builds the requiered js  for the widget and the related events
    protected function registerPlugin()
        $id = $this->options['id'];
        $view = $this->getView();

        /** @var \yii\web\AssetBundle $assetClass */
        $assets = CoreAsset::register($view);

        if (isset($this->options['lang']))
            $assets->language = $this->options['lang'];

        if ($this->googleCalendar)
            $asset->googleCalendar = $this->googleCalendar;

        $js = array();

        if($this->ajaxEvents != NULL){
            $this->clientOptions['events'] = $this->ajaxEvents;

        if(is_array($this->header) && isset($this->clientOptions['header']))
            $this->clientOptions['header'] = array_merge($this->header,$this->clientOptions['header']);
        } else {
            $this->clientOptions['header'] = $this->header;

        $cleanOptions = $this->getClientOptions();
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        /*$js[] = "$('#$id').fullCalendar(_.extend($cleanOptions, $this->clientOptionsJs));";
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        //lets check if we have an event for the calendar...
            foreach($this->events AS $event)
                $jsonEvent = Json::encode($event);
                $isSticky = $this->stickyEvents;
                $js[] = "$('#$id').fullCalendar('renderEvent',$jsonEvent,$isSticky);";
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        //lets check if we have an event for the calendar...

        $js[] = "$('#$id').fullCalendar(_.extend($cleanOptions, $this->clientOptionsJs));";
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        $view->registerJs(implode("\n", $js),View::POS_READY);

     * @return array the options for the text field
    protected function getClientOptions()
        $id = $this->options['id'];
        $options['loading'] = new JsExpression("function(isLoading, view ) {
        if ($this->eventRender){
            $options['eventRender'] = new JsExpression($this->eventRender);
        if ($this->eventAfterRender){
            $options['eventAfterRender'] = new JsExpression($this->eventAfterRender);
        if ($this->eventAfterAllRender){
            $options['eventAfterAllRender'] = new JsExpression($this->eventAfterAllRender);
        $options = array_merge($options, $this->clientOptions);
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            $options['events']  = $this->events;

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        return Json::encode($options);
